Monday, 28 December 2009

Well this is me in my Maasai clothes in tanzania...
i'm back in the uk now, and missing africa sooo much!

i'm in the process of opening an Etsy shop online so hopefully that will be ready soon and you can all see my designs and products!

there was lots of snow here while i was away and this is what greeted me on the train from Manchester airport....
For christmas, i painted my dad a canvas, and i am now working towards creating a whole series of these canvas' as they would look better as a set of three or four....i intend to use serveral differernt animals or african figures....look out for them on etsy!

Monday, 14 December 2009

so, i'm in tanzania again!! sooo happy! i have found the best safari company too- i will link the blog address as soon as his blog is finished! everyone have a look at it!!
so, i'm in tanzania again!! sooo happy! i have found the best safari company too- i will link the blog address as soon as his blog is finished! everyone have a look at it!!

Thursday, 3 December 2009

i'll be there along with Kim tillyer, heidi turner and jane thornley-walker, there wil also be lewis & cooper and roots farm shop....

Well, minor project of third year hand in tomorrow, everyone's work looked great in the studios today when people were beginning to display it all....couldn't really do a whole lot with my own display, but never mind! fingers crossed now for a good mark after all the hours i've put in! these images are from concept book to final designs....