Thursday, 27 May 2010

Degree Show next week!

Please everyone come along to our degree show commencing next thursday with a private show and then open to the public from friday....from what i've seen everyone's work looks amazing and between us all we've put a huge amount of hard work, hours and tears in some cases into it!! we would all really appriciate your support! many thanks....

Where? - Hartlepool, Church Square

When? - 3rd june~12th june 2010 (private view, invite only 3rd june 7-9pm. open to public 4th june 10am) gallery is closed sundays and mondays

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

degree show, New designers and lots of tidying up....

Well, as the end draws ever closer i thought i'd just update with some final photos of here and there around college....this picture is part of my final designs being cut by the laser cutter to make brooches. It is incredible to watch it and the results are beautiful! even if i do say so myself! After all the silk screen printing was over for my final major project it was down to cleaning the screens....a hated job by all printers everywhere, except i seem to have it down to a fine art now i'm leaving college-typical! here's some pictures of what i had to contend with in the dreaded exposure room....

The poor old print room looked too empty without the printing fanatics like sammy-jo stephenson and Sarah Hesletine in there....

Furthermore, 14 of us have been selected to exhibit at the Islington Business Design Center, London 28th june - 4th july 2010; at "New Designers" myself included so i'm sooo excited for it! hopefully a lot of useful contacts can be established.... Congratulations to everyone going! ....

These images are just a couple of close ups of my work, inspired by my favorite thing in the world, Love.... shame i always hold a losing hand when it comes to playing the game....maybe, just maybe, this might change?

Friday, 7 May 2010

the end is nigh.... (is that how you spell nigh??!)

Goodbye lovely studio/home!....
final pieces coming together at long last....
also found a bit of time to model this week for sammy jo stephenson and her absolutely AMAZING prints!

our degree show is from 3rd - 12th june 2010 and we would all love it if you can come along.... its at the art gallery, Church square, Hartlepool. (closed sundays and mondays) please come and see all our hard hard work! xxxx